What I really wanted to do was to make the box dance to a rhythm, but I kept getting an error message. I did comment out the sound code that I had at the top for you guys to look at.
//import processing.sound.*;
//SoundFile file;
//void setup() {
// size(640, 360);
//file = new SoundFile(this, “paul.mp4”);
// file.play();
//void draw() {
float my_num = 10;
void setup() {
size(400, 400);
void draw() {
// move the origin to a random position in the screen.
// the random position is calculated using the noise() function
translate(width * noise(my_num + 80), height * noise(my_num + 100));
// add some random rotation using noise()
rotate(10 * noise(my_num + 40));
// draw a rectangle with a random width and height, again using noise()
rect(0, 0, 200 * noise(30 + my_num), 200 * noise(my_num));
// increase the counter variable which is used in noise() calls.
my_num = my_num + 0.02;
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